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Monday, January 30, 2012

Hypothetically Mixed: The Black Child in the White Suburbs

A hypothetical zebra. Too black for the white kids, and too white for the inner city Black kids. What is the station of the Black child who grows up in predominately white populated suburban areas? How do they develop a healthy racial identity?

I grew up in Johnson County, a predominately white suburban area in Kansas. For the first 14 years of my life, I was surrounded with friends, classmates, and teammates that looked absolutely nothing like me. My highschool graduating class had roughly 400 students but only 5-10 were African-American. While some may argue that this equipped me for the real world, or taught me how to co-exist and adapt to other races, I often times felt alone and out of place.

Click HERE to read the rest of T$'s article for YourBlackWorld.com

1 comment:

  1. I freaking loved this article bc it rang home for me. I'm happy for your growing success as this is one of my favorite blogs to read. I've been following it since you started it and it was solely an advice blog. Good job!


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